Car Charging Shop sees unprecedented demand…

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Car Charging Shop - One Stop Solution


Car Charging Shop sees unprecedented demand…


From 2030, we will no longer be able to buy new Petrol or Diesel vehicles in the UK.

At the end of April 2021, there were 515,000 electric vehicles on the road*. Last year saw the biggest annual increase in the number of registrations, despite the Coronavirus impact. There were 175,000 more electric vehicle registrations in 2020 in comparison to 2019, which is a 66% increase in one year!

The number of Electric vehicles on the road in the UK is growing rapidly, but are we ready for them?

Once you have bought an electric vehicle, how do you charge it?

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We recognise and understand that not everybody will want or need the same charging solution. We also understand that not every installation will be the same and that installation costs may vary subject to what you need.

It has however been government policy to grow the charging network and they have a grant scheme to support the cost of an installation. The scheme continues to change and evolve and we are here to access this funding on your behalf.

We can also help businesses access finance solution to cover the purchase and installation costs. Why not have this facility available at the point of purchase?

At, we realised that the whole process can be quite confusing and complicated. We wanted to provide a solution where the entire process can be simplified and implemented from start to finish and in one place.

Since our website was launched earlier this year, we have been overwhelmed with enquiries. We work with both home and business owners alike, helping them through the selection process and provide a clear understanding & recommendation of their needs.

To allow us to help you through the process, simply register an enquiry at and one of our advisors will contact you.

(* - Battery Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles combined).